Hi, my name is Robert Papis. I live in Poland. I'm 31 years old...
I collect beermats as you can see:) but it takes only small part of my life.
I am an assistant lecturer in The Institute of Computer Science
Technical University of £ód¼. Currently I work on
Case Based Reasoning and Expert Systems.
I prepared special
website for my students.
I have IT firm 'Done'. We project and create websites...
I like mountains, books, Pearl Jam, hot tea, to get to know new people, to run and bike...
I hate human stupidity
I interested in GO, philosophy (epistemology and cognitive science), logic,
genetic, psychology... and many many more
I train my mind and body in AiKiDo dojo.
And sometimes I make photos...
My address:
Robert Papis
ul. Narutowicza 16/22A
90-135 Lodz (£ód¼)
E-mail: beer@ultra.pl